Letters- A Fading Phenomena

Nostalgic Poems

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Sun shined through windows
Tired eyes yet energetic body
Soon the letter will come from the one
I was waiting for two weeks to read
A few lines only… Yet an emotional roller-coaster
May be a distant relationship thing
These days, no one really knows the feeling
Of holding that letter every two weeks
Yet, the reply from four weeks ago
Knowing the reality the reply of the letter 
I just send will be two weeks wait again
No phone calls
No text messages
No face to face calls
Just a few words filled with emotions
Written in their own handwriting
Some had smudges with tears
Some had smile all over them
Imagine the face when you read
Imagine the sound you hear through words
The feeling not so true to new generations
Patience not known to new generations
Two weeks to convey love is a taboo nowadays
Remember those were the sweet memories we cherish
Those were the true test of love
Ping.. A text got send
Next second no return text
End of the world for new generation
Time to stop, reflect yourself to realize
What is love?
Back in time read those letters
Will bring back the true bonds we created
Sitting in two corners of land
We scribbled with passion to fill our love
In to two little pages or a post card
Send away to wait for four weeks 
Two weeks one way and to get reply
Love get stronger and stronger with longlines
Enjoy the dreams we create while letter in transit
Imagine the emotions when they read the words
The best time of our lives
Letters in transit…